KY-034 - Automatic flashing colorful LED module
KY-034 - Automatic flashing colorful LED module
Auch hier werde ich durch die Lektüre der niederländischen Kollegen nicht schlauer, sondern eher dümmer.
7 color flashing LED module automatically uses 5mm round high-brightness light-emitting diode which has the following characteristics: Specifications
Product Type: LED
Product Model: YB-3120B4PnYG-PM
Shape: Round LED 5mm DIP type
Color: pink yellow green (high brightness)
Lens type: white mist
Standard Forward Voltage :3.0-4 .5 V
Achtung: Möglicherweise müssen Widerstände vorgeschaltet werden
Arduino | Modul |
/ *
Turns on an LED on for two second, then off for two second, repeatedly.
This example code is in the public domain.
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void setup () {
/ / Initialize the digital pin as an output.
/ / Pin 13 has an LED connected on most Arduino boards:
pinMode (13, OUTPUT);
void loop () {
digitalWrite (13, HIGH); / / set the LED on
delay (2000); / / wait for a second
digitalWrite (13, LOW); / / set the LED off
delay (2000); / / wait for a second
- Zugriffe: 367